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We are excited launch our e-newsletter where we will regularly post articles, interviews, and other cello-related content.
by Vardan Gasparyan
In this podcast series, cellist Vardan Gasparyan interviews today’s some of the most prominent cellists. These series is presented by LAVS. The guest of this episode is the former principal cellist of the LA Philharmonic, former faculty member at USC and the Colburn School as well as former president of LAVS Ronald Leonard.
Come and
Explore and listen to my music,
Hear my performances of the music of other composers,
Read my writings, and
See my photography.
Date and time: At your convenience
Location: Wherever you are*
Admission: Free. Bring friends
Hours: 24/7
Duration: As long as you wish
Self-guided tours
Refreshments: Whatever you have
Reservations: None required
Parking: Unnecessary
Yes, it’s a virtual museum, my new website,
by Trina Carey Hodgson
At our June, 2022 meeting, cellist Jay Shulman gave a presentation on the life and musical legacy of his father, cellist Alan Shulman. In addition to being a sought after chamber and studio cellist in New York during the 1930’s-50’s, Alan also composed and arranged music for many classical, movie, and commercial recordings. His cello concerto of 1948 was premiered by my teacher, and LAVS’ own President Emeritus, Ronald Leonard.
Jay’s presentation gave the attendees a glimpse into the musician’s life of the ‘30’s, ‘40’s and 50’s with pictures of Alan, his quartets, and the era’s other well-known studio musicians. (I was interested to see my teacher from Eastman, a young Robert Sylvester, in one of the studio photographs.) He played beautifully restored recordings of Alan’s records, including his quartet performances as well as his movie compositions and popular song arrangements. Alan is one of the 20th century’s cellists that bears us all knowing about and remembering.
For more information about Alan’s life and information on how to obtain sheet music of his compositions, please visit Alan Shulman (capital.net)
by Jerome Kessler
Leonard Rose knew me “when.” Actually, he knew me long before “when.” In 1938, he was Principal Cellist of the Cleveland Symphony. My mother was a native Clevelander. When my father visited from New York City, before my parents married, they would double date with Rose and his wife, Minnie, and Rose and my father would play golf together. During the ´50´s, my [...]
Visualization – Using Your Imagination to Enhance Memorization and Performance
by Andrew Shulman
I'm sure at one time or another, we've all had the experience of having practiced our latest solo piece, suite, concerto, to the point where we can play it from memory pretty well in our practice room at home, only to find that, as soon as we are in an unfamiliar situation, on the concert stage, in front of hundreds or even thousands of people, all our work goes out of the window and we are left struggling to get to the end without falling apart! Have you ever asked yourself why? [...]

Joseph Schuster
by Jerome Kessler
When musicians get together to talk, one of the things they like to do is swap stories about their experiences with the important artists they have heard or met or known. Recently, a friend of mine was reminiscing about the time he played with the late Joseph Schuster in New York, [...]
In Memoriam
January, 2023
We cellists all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. Whether they were performers or teachers, friends or colleagues, they shaped our lives, musically and, in many instances, personally. Let us remember them […]

On premiering the Brisk Cello Concerto
by Jerome Kessler
I have known and worked with Barry Brisk for many years. We have featured several of his admirable compositions with the Topanga Symphony. He has conducted my solo performances of “Schelomo”
and the Kabalevsky and Elgar Cello Concerti.
In 2019, he announced that he was writing me a cello concerto. This wasn’t a commission, but was a surprise, which I greeted with pleasure but also […]